Weekend Recap: Wine, Friends, Painting and More

Weekend Recap: Wine, Friends, Painting and More

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Don't you just love a pretty sunrise? As I get older, I've started appreciating a good sunrise as much as a good sunset. And not the sunrises that I use to see in college. The 'adult' ones. Last week was a good week. Busy, but good. Work, school and life took its toll a little bit though. After a busy week, it was time for a fun weekend. 

Started Friday night at Spirited Art in The Heights. It's where you paint and enjoy a good spirit. We were painting a Van Gough painting. Poor man would have probably said, 'Van No" if he had seen our attempts.

We were all very serious painters. 

Who were also serious about our spirits. 

Once we painted the background, it was time to get started on the branches. 

Doesn't look so good, huh?

Because I'm a real, 'artist.'

These are my branches with my 'highlights' and 'contrast' 

We're artists! We're artist! 

After some 'fading' and adding some flowers, it's a real piece of art. 

Ha. Not really. 

Allison had a little help to fully perfect her painting. 

I'm sorry I look terrified. 

The creations! 

Saturday night was a completely different story. Well, it involved friends and more spirits, but totally different setting. Amanda's sister, Alana, turned 21 this past week. What better way to celebrate than with a couple of 25-26-year-olds?

I don't see much of Amanda anymore. She's engaged and moved back to Northeast Arkansas, and I'm busy with school and work. 

But we are still frands.

This picture made me realize I need bangs again. 

On Sunday, Falguni and I went to Guy, Arkansas to visit a apple orchard... I used my new camera and new lens to snap some shots. 

I'll blog more on that later. 

What oh what will I make with all my apples?

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