The First Christmas Party |
In 1999 a tradition was started. A tradition of fun, laughter, food and memories. A tradition where girls who have known each other, some since birth, most since daycare, all since grade school, all got together for a Christmas party. We were in 8th grade at the time and were at the stage where we were all discovering who we were.
If anyone remembers junior high, you probably remember how awkward it was. Between boys and boobs, everything in life starts to change. As a a group, we were always friends. Of course there was plenty of junior high drama, too. That's all part of growing up. (Amen for being done with it!)
Even though I don't get to talk to a lot of my high school friends as much as I'd like, thinking about them makes me happy. They helped me become who I am. When I look back, I only remember good things. We've seen each other at our worst, but still accepted each other. It wasn't always easy growing up in a small town, but it was the only way I'd ever want to grow up. Maybe it's because when I look back now, I consider these girls home. I know them. They know me. Sure, we've all changed and grown up and moved here or there, but when we get together, it feels like you're going home.
To the left you have Maggie, Heather and I, while to the right you have Heather, Maggie and I.
I guess I like the right side of pictures? Anyways, these two girls have seen it all. We all three started hanging out back in the pre-school days.
Heather and I grew up going to church together. We've seen things, heard things, done things, that only we can look at each other and understand. It's a funny thing to be able to look at someone and not even have to say a word. One word and we both just give the look. laugh, and hope that no one else knows what's going on.
Heather: freeze out. (She knows what it means.)
Maggie and I were inseparable growing up. At one point, we actually had one name from one of our teachers, "Maegie.' From high school dance, to college roommates, she's seen it all. Even though the after college life may have separated us, she's still the friend that knows more about you than you do.
Marion and I, Prom 2003.
I was lucky enough to run into Marion a couple of weekends ago during the Thanksgiving holiday. Talk about having some memories. When I think of Marion I think of: drinking coke out of a bag, being on the same Oddyessy of the Mind team, penguins, blue ink pens, the movie Scream, and hide and seek. Those are just some of the random memories that I remember. Certainly not all.
Marion and I went to Costa Rica one summer for a couple of weeks and I'm still surprised she's talking to me after that trip. That's the thing about good people, they look past your flaws, let things go, and give you a second chance.
(Side note: I was a little bratty on the Costa Rica trip. By a little I mean, Marion should have pushed me in front of a bus. I own that. Marion - if you ever read this, I apologize for the terrible way I acted and thank you for always being a good person to me. It's actually made me a better person throughout the years. For that, I truly thank you.)
Sara and I, Prom 2003.
This is another prom picture. Apparently something REALLY exciting was going on. Sara and I have been friends since as long as I can remember. We've had ups and downs, and honest moments, and moments where we've probably wanted to kill each other. That's small town friendships for you. You love them, want to kill them, but you're always there for them.
When I think of Sara I think of: Rainbows, Billy Ray Cyrus, the song, "Sk8ter Boy," marsh mellows, Under the Sea, cheese pizza, seersucker, space camp, the game MASH, high school dance team, and too many other things.
Sara has always been the friend to be straight-up and honest with me. That's something you need in at least one friend. If you're acting up, need a 'stop doing that' talk, or just someone to tell you to get on the right track, it's a really good quality to have in a friend. Sara is that type of friend that you can talk to everyday or once a year and things seem to go right back to where they were. That's a quality that you must have in a friend.
(Marion and Sara weren't able to make it last Saturday. Next year ladies!)
This was the last day of high school our senior year. We all got together to meet in the parking lot and go eat breakfast to celebrate our freedom. Little did we know what life would have in store for us.
This was the group after our first semester at college. Look at those bright and shiny faces.
So nieve.
Here we are during our second year of college.
Still nieve.
This was us this past weekend.
Now we're grown-ups. That's still weird to me. When I see everyone I feel like we're still 17 and we have English homework due tomorrow. It's fun seeing where life takes people.
I'm so glad I was able to see everyone last weekend. It's a true blessing to meet up with all your old friends and still feel like you can call them friends.
I hope I'm always this lucky.