Mud. Sweat. Beer. Those are the three things that the Warrior Dash can promise you. 3.4 miles of rough terrain, uphill, through trenches, up walls, ropes, water and mud.
What I didn't expect was how much FUN it was going to be. For two hours I didn't think about email, tweeting, texting, calling, Facebooking, or what anyone else was doing.
While climbing a wall with a rope, or decking under barb wire, it was probably one of the most fun days of 2012. I wasn't worried about how long it took me, because I couldn't stop smiling and laughing about the ridiculous things I was putting myself through. When else in life would I WANT to crawl through mud under barb wire?
Sure, you can do the Warrior Dash as a solo act - but why not join together with friends and make t-shirts? Since college Annie (red bandana) has had the nickname SurlyPants. So when trying to come up with nicknames, we all just became pants, too. Allison was SaucyPants because she likes saucy words. I was SassyPants because I can be sassy with my attitude, Brooke was SmartyPants because she's smart, and Kelly was SansPants because (well I'm not 100% sure why) but she really liked it.
Our start time was supposed to be at 9:30 a.m. but we did anticipate the rain storm on the way down to Amity, Arkansas. Nor did we anticipate the long lines to park, the school bus ride to the race, or the time it would take to get our numbers, get situation, and prepare ourselves mentally. So instead we started at 10 a.m., which I think worked out better.
After an exciting time, interesting stories, and memories I will never forget, we finally got to the finish line. I could tell you about how Annie was kick-ass throughout the entire thing, how Allison kept saying, 'just a little bit more,' or how Brooke and I laughed about the ridiculousness of what we were doing, but those are memories that I want to keep (plus, you kinda had to be there).
After the crazy, we all got together to prove that we weren't afraid of a little mud. We did it. We did it together.
Some of us were so happy it was over.
Others (me) felt like we had to keep our Sassy going throughout the entire race.
But we all showed our inner warrior.