"Like Oprah said, 'You have to create your own happiness,' it's time you realize that." - My Mom
(What happiness looks like.)
Monday why aren't you considered a Funday?
One of my favorite people at work left last week for a new job. It's great for her but I don't like when my favorite people leave. I like to be around my favorite people. She kept a jar at her desk always filled with candy like M&M's and such. Her last day she let me have the jar so I can carry on the tradition of having M&M's at my desk. This is becoming a problem due to the fact that I keep eating them all...
Tuesday Snooze Day
I have this thing called allergies. I live in a state called Arkansas. When Arkansas starts to blossom so do my allergies
During lunch on Tuesday, some of us ladies at work gathered outside to eat lunch together. It was considered a pot luck but since I forgot to bring something I just went to our cafe to grab lunch. We went outside to the pavilion where we saw lots of little children. This reminded me why I wasn't a teacher.
Hump Day, Tornado Fun Day.
(Tornado from the street over my parents house...)
Wednesday came in like a storm and out like a breeze. A breeze like a tornado in my hometown. At around 4 on Wednesday afternoon my mom calls me and the conversation goes like this...
Mom: Maegan, we see a tornado!
Me: Yo..uh. wha?
Mom: We are standing in Mary's yard and we can see it! David (my dad) take a picture with your phone! Oh wow. Look at that.
Me: Hello! Hello! Still here.
Mom: Oh you should be here to see this!
Me: ...
Mom: Okay. Going to go, it's leaving. We'll send you a picture.
Me: ...
It was also my friend Amanda's birthday so we had to celebrate. I'm always up for every kind of celebration. Dinner, drinks and a little piano bar to top off the night. Nothing like going out on a school night...
Thursday...Um...Hmm....Well....I don't know.
The words 'I don't know' seemed to be Thursday's theme. What are you doing this weekend? I don't know. What do you want to do? I don't know. What are you having for lunch? I don't know. What about this? I don't know. What about that? I don't know.
I just didn't know.
So when one doesn't know what to they do? Well, the create a wonton-decision maker thingy. Remember those? Luckily I remembered how to fold one up, handed it over to Leigh-tastic and she entered all of the answers for what to do this weekend. Luckily it landed on lake and not 'marry so and so.' Lucky me.
Thursday is also my favorite T.V. day. I'm really classy and watch things like Swamp People and the Real Housewives of NYC. Nothin better than watchin a guy fight a gator then turning the channel to watch two women fight over couture and wine.
Classy I am.
Friday, Friday, Hellerlujah It's Friday!
It's Friday. It's almost the weekend. It's going to be a long weekend. I'm going to enjoy it.
Every. Single. Second.