I saw this spider this morning. I thought it was a blonde. Now it looks like a redhead. I'm just not really sure anymore... Luckily for me I don't have a fear of spiders, sadly for the spider it's now resting in peace somewhere.
Let's hope this is a one time thing...
It's 2013! And 27 days...
I should be studying right now and reading a book about American politics, but that seems boring. So what better thing to do than to update this blog? I know it's been like three months. I know I completely disappeared, but life got ridiculously busy. What's been going on?
I made all A's last semester.
I decided that if I was going to be called a nerd, I might as well look like one...
My mom got a new puppy, which has now replaced me.
My dog doesn't really care for the new puppy.
While at home for Christmas, it snowed.
(p.s. I hate snow in the South)
We had a small family gathering Christmas night.
My parents think I'm special.
For NYE, I headed to ATL to see some of my besties.
We had a lot of fun!
Once I got back to Arkansas, I got back to the gym.
I've become a little obsessed with grilled cheese and tomato soups.
I have friends who like to start fires with pizza boxes.
And really proud of it.
One of my friends got a new dog. His name is Reggie.
A big project at work went live and it was time to celebrate with cupcakes!
So that's what I've been up to the past couple of months. Yes, I've been terrible at updating this blog. Yes, I know I have a duty to all 10 people who read it. Yes, my cooking skills have somewhat disappeared.
All that to say ... I'm back.
OR ... I'm about to start trying again!
Now ... time for a little homework.