Me and Melissa getting our race packets. |
Back in the fall of 2011, I decided that I should run some sort of race. Why? Well who knows why. Some of my friends are runners and they always talk how much fun it is, so I thought why not jump on that band wagon and join.
My friend and co-worker, Allison, was also talking about running a race but she was talking about the Little Rock Marathon. A marathon is 26.2 miles. I called her crazy. She told me we should run together, I suggested that we run the 10k instead. And before you now it, we were signed up to run.
I talked Melissa into joining us for the 10k since she's taking this whole running thing a lot more serious than I do.
It was official. I was going to actually run.
The morning of the race.
All those people.
All WANTING to run, too.
After! We all made it past the finish line.
Though Melissa and Allison both smoked me.
It's okay. Strong and steady was my goal. |
Afterwards we all celebrated with mimosas!
Champagne and orange juice are REALLY good for you after you run 6 miles.
You didn't know that?
They are. Try it.
At the end of mile 6, Loreal was handing out free lip gloss.
So I ran over and grabbed some with some beads.
I mean, it was worth that 15 seconds for lip gloss.
Melissa also grabbed some and took a picture but she would kill me if I posted it.
(p.s. my headbands sparkled)
After the race, Melissa and I went back to my apartment where we sat
outside and watch the marathon runners run by. They looked tired.
So there you have it. I ran my first race. My time? It took me an hour and 20 minutes to run 6.2 miles which equals to a 13 minute mile. No, I didn't win, but I didn't come in last either.
Two days later and I'm still a little sore... but now I want to run a half-marathon.
After I train and prepare for it of course.