Southern Blondie: 2016

Looking Back On 2016!

There's something about a new year that makes me very ... cheesy. It actually feels like a new start and a new beginning. Now, I know that 2016 is getting a REALLY bad rap from a lot of people, but life is what you make it ... and I believe I made my 2016 a really good year.

Here are just a few highlights of my favorite parts...


In January we went to New Orleans for a few days and had a GREAT time. It's one of my favorite trips that we've been on. I'm actually really ready to go back soon!

You can check out our trip and all the DELICIOUS FOOD details here.


I thoroughly enjoyed a simple dinner of cocoa puffs. It's really the simplest things in life that I really appreciate the most. 


In March I was able to mark something off my bucket list of legends... Billy Joel! It was an incredible show and we had great tickets. It was perfect! 


In April we went to the Arkansas Derby and it was a blast. It was cold, and I wore the wrong dress to be warm, but it was worth it because I WON THE DERBY RACE! Read about it here


In May we had an impromptu date night that started out with wine on a patio on a gorgeous May night. Again, sometimes it's the smallest things that can lead to the best memories. 


Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, sky, outdoor and water

We went to St. Martin! You can read about the trip here.

Image may contain: beach, sky, ocean, cloud, outdoor and water

I also turned 30 on the beach in St. Martin! It could't have been a more gorgeous day!


Image may contain: one or more people, people on stage, people playing musical instruments, people sitting, concert, night and indoor

In July I got to see one of my FAVORITE bands again... Alabama Shakes! It was an incredible show. 


Image may contain: one or more people, people on stage, night and indoor

In August I got to see another legend that I have been obsessed with... DOLLY PARTON. It was really the year of music for me and seeing some incredible singers and performers. 

I mean. She wears a dress full of sequins. Goals. 


August and September were a bit stressful after bidding on houses, losing them, and the emotions that I felt with the ups and downs. I went to happy hour one afternoon and the bartender felt for my sorrows and gave me the HAPPIEST glass (the one on the right!!).  

Just a few days later I got the house I wanted back!! 


Image may contain: plant, tree and outdoor

In October I bought my very first house! Of course, it was dramatic ... because I'm either simple or dramatic about things. There's not really a middle ground with me. And yes, there have been some dramatic issues since moving into the house ... the AC going out the weekend we moved in. The water heater going out RIGHT when it was freezing outside. But overall it's been great to live here! 

You can read about the related house drama here


November was the month of settling into the new house, and hosting Thanksgiving with my family. It was probably one of my most favorite Thanksgivings. 


December was a fun and busy month! With decorating for Christmas in the new house, hanging with friends, being incredibly stressed at work, it was nice to have a fun and easy Christmas with my family and with Rich's family. 

Cheers to 2016! You were exactly what I made it - easy, fun, difficult, dramatic, and memorable! 

Looking forward to 2017! 

Essential Smoky Eye Sephora Class


As basic as it might sound, makeup is one of my favorite things. Don't get it twisted - I have the same look all the time and really only like to wear neutrals, but I love to binge on YouTube makeup tutorial videos. One thing I haven't accomplished. ever. is the smoky eye look. I always end up looking a littles less vampy and a little too trampy. 

Insert Sephora Beauty Insider classes! Anyone who visits or shops online at Sephora knows about their insider program (free rewards program). If you're lucky enough to have a store close by, then they probably have different FREE classes. 

I've taken the 'Cover and Conceal' class and it was such a learning experience. Because I have fair skin with a neutral to cool undertones, I have to find colors that help cover my problem areas of dark under circles or redness.

For the Sephora Essential Smokey Eye class they provide you with all the tools, expertise and makeup you will need. It's a hands-on class with Sephora experts on hand to help you when you need it. 

First, you watch while a Sephora expert provides a tutorial on another Sephora team member. 

Then, you begin to work at your personal makeup station. 

Everyone's station has the brushes you will need, a mirror, a sheet of paper to take notes, and around the stations is makeup you will use in the class. 

The first thing to do was to use eye cream and eyeshadow primer. 

I practiced with the Naked 3 Smokey Pallette because I just bought it a week ago & wasn't sure what to do with it. 

Sephora also has fun crayon pencils that I had never heard of - they even help teach you which brushes to use for each makeup application. 

Seriously. It's such a good learning class for someone who enjoys wearing makeup and needs to update their skill set. 

We ended the look with concealing around the eyes to brighten it up. 

The end result... 

A bold smokey eye. It was a lot of makeup on a Sunday morning, but I learned SO much that I can now practice and apply at home. I also used brushes that I need to purchase. (I have the most pathetic makeup brush collection...) 

If you're close to a Sephora look online for the beauty classes. They are free, fun, and you can learn new techniques if you're a makeup lover! 

Thanks for reading! - mc


Everything Turning Blonde, Blue and Gray

Hiiiiiiiiiii friends! December is the busiest time with work which means a lot less time for sharing and blogging. This week everything is turning gray... in terms of my walls. 

Sherwin Williams Essential Gray, Sherwin Williams Repose Gray, Sherwin Williams Let It Rain, Sherwin Williams Steely Gray

Do you know what the hardest decision in the world is? Picking a paint color! Currently, I have four Sherwin Williams paint colors and if I keep this up the walls are going to turn into a Dolly Parton song. 

The current color of the walls is so ugly it's hard to visualize it right now. I'm leaning towards Repose Gray because I think once it's not so close to Essential Gray it won't look so green and will lighten the space a bit. 

Here's an example of Sherwin Williams Repose Gray from Pinterest: 

How pretty is that? SO MUCH prettier than whatever ugly color you call the walls now. Blech. 


Sherwin Williams GEORGIAN BAY, Sherwin Williams Oceanside

Before I turned the office into an office, the previous owners used it as a baby room. Well, since that's not where I am in life, I am painting the office room Sherwin Williams Georgian Bay. I might lighten it just a bit, but I LOVE this color on the wall. I can't wait to share some before & afters! 

Also, since it's about to get REALLY cold in Arkansas (and, yes, I understand our cold is not as cold as you Northerners, but I do not do well when it's too cold to move. I become a bear and hibernate). My boyfriend asked me what the plans were for the weekend and I said, "Well, it's going to be cold so I'll be inside." 
See everyone on the outside in about March. 

Oh, back to the photo, since it's about to become so cold this weekend I frantically planted about 50 bulbs in the front garden bed of the house. I do not think I planted them the ideal six inches, because ladies, size does matter. Six inches is a lot, and when you're outside digging holes to plant a bulb when it's 40 degrees outside and getting colder, you just kind of stick them in the ground and hope for a spring miracle.
Now, here are two things I am obsessed with lately: 

I have been using this serum every other night for the past few weeks and my skin is so smooth and soft. The cold air and dry heat from the gas heater in the house made my skin so dry it was hurting. This stuff is AMAZING. 

2. Sweet Kale Salad

I found this kale salad kit at Sam's and LOVE it. Just throw it in a bowl, add the dressing, stick in the fridge for 30 minutes and then you have a delicious salad! If you can find it at your grocery store you must try it. 

Also, last weekend I became my winter blonde which is the same as my summer blonde, fall blonde and spring blonde. Because I love to be blonde. If you missed my blonde excitement it's because you're' not following me on Snapchat! Snapchat: MaeganClark 

This weekend I am going to *try* my best to start painting at least the office room. Then again I am behind on watching Fuller House on Netflix so we will see which one wins out! 


Personalized Gift Cards for Persnickety People


'Tis the holiday season as we all are aware and every time I turn around I see another holiday gift list. I have a love/hate relationship with them. If I had to guess, no one really wants another coffee mug... So I started to think of what I would want if I was going to give me a present, and because sometimes I am a bit ... persnickety, my mind immediately went to gift cards, but more personalized. 

So this is my list of personalized gift cards to get for persnickety people. 

The Book Reader

It's always a goal of mine to read a book a month. Seems easy enough... sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail. A few months ago I signed up for Book of the Month club. Each month they email you with five new selections of books, you pick one of the five, and they ship it to you! 

Now, the best part is that it's a great gift! You can give a 3-month subscription for $44.97 which is a good deal, but if you use this link you can save 30% off a 3-month subscription and get a free tote. 

That's $30, for three months and a free tote! Great gift for that book lover in your life.  

The Busy Fashion Lover 

For the person in your life who loves fashion and shopping, but is always complaining about never having anything to wear, get them a personal stylist. A personal stylist with Trunk Club. I share my love for Trunk Club a lot because it's so great for someone who loves clothes but just doesn't have the time to shop or doesn't know how to get out of their own clothing rut. 

The best part is is that you can give any amount you want! Go check it out here

The Makeup Lover

If you're a makeup lover and have had your makeup professionally done, then you know there is nothing else like it. As someone who loves makeup, I LOVE learning new tricks and techniques. My suggestions for this is giving a makeup lover in your life a gift card to Sephora for $50. This way, they can get a makeover and be able to pay for the $50 required product. 

Seriously. I love my own idea right now. 

The Workout Girl 


Working out is like therapy for me. I can take a step back from the world, clear my head and feel centered when it's over. My workouts usually consist of HIIT training and cardio, but I LOVE workout classes. So if someone in your life loves working out, think about getting them a gift card to a new class like PurreBarre, or a spinning class. Oh! A pilates class is one of my favorites! If they are already a member of a gym then consider a few personal training classes where they can work on their form. Every year I do a few personal training sessions just to switch it up. 

The Travel Enthusiast 

If you have a travel lover in your life 🙋🏼 think about a giving miles through your travel lovers favorite airline. This ensures that they will do something for themselves and plan a trip. 


The TV Lover

I will always watch Dolly if she's on tv. 
If you have a tv/movie lover in your life then I have a few ideas... 
1. A Gift card to Netflix. (YES THIS IS A THING) 
2. iTunes Giftcard (BC hello movies) 
3. Move theater tickets 

Those are all good ideas for the person in your life who enjoys a little downtime watching shows or movies. (Also, easy.) 

That is my list. You have a little bit for everyone. A gift card doesn't have to be boring, or lame, it can be personalized and with meaning. So think about the person in your life who doesn't 'need' anything else but you still want to get them something personalized that they will love. 

I'll take one of each, please. 


November Trunk Club Review


It's Trunk Club time! If you haven't seen my posts before here's a little recap: 

Trunk Club, owned by Nordstrom, is a personalized clothing service that delivers clothing, accessories, and shoes to your door in a cute box. There is a new, initial styling fee of $25 that goes towards the cost of any item you may buy from the trunk. 

After you signup, you're assigned a personalized stylist. This is the best part to me - you have your own stylist who will chat with you via the Trunk Club app, online, phone or email. My favorite way to talk to my stylist is via the app. Your stylist will ask you a bunch of questions of your style, what you're looking for and what events are coming up.


This time I told my stylist I was interested in sweater dresses, black sweaters, and pink sweaters. Julia (my stylist) DELIVERED. 

Black sweaters have to be one of my favorite things to wear, and this one was no different. I really liked this Madewell sweater because it was a little more interesting than just plain black. 

This sweater is so classic to me - when I first pulled it out of the trunk I was skeptical, but when I put it on I really, really liked it. 

It's a little preppy, but in a good way. 

The first thing I noticed about this top was how it was so well made. I've never bought from Treasure&Bond but this shirt is really, really nice. Honestly, I have a couple of tops like it but I'm thinking about tossing them for this one. 

BLANKNYC 'Easy Rider' Faux Leather Moto Jacket - $98 

I love leather. I love leather pants. I love leather jackets. I love leather details. This jacket is another jacket that was really well made - very impressed. 

In real life this dress is gray, in this photo, it's a little green. (Blame the current terrible lighting in this new house.) If you're looking for a roomy sweater dress this is it. 

My style doesn't usually consist of a lot of patterns but something about this top makes me happy. Maybe my love of black and white, or maybe it reminds me of an updated, modern version of a sweater my grandmother wore but it just makes me smile. 

I put on this sweater to show my boyfriend and he told me I looked like Steve Jobs. 

Compliment accepted. 

Big sweaters are the best for a lazy, yet put together look. Is that an oxymoron? 

Again. I love a sweater dress especially a winter white one. In real life, this is much whiter than it looks in the picture. 


Trunk Club is still my absolute favorite clothing service. As someone who loves to shop but tends to buy some of the same things over and over again, I love receiving a box of clothes to try on in my own home. 

There is a cost of $25 to receive a trunk, but honestly, it's worth it to me. I'm able to speak to someone about what I like/need/want, she sends me 10 items in the mail that I have five days to try on. The $25 is a convenience fee that I will happily pay. 

Also, if you buy anything then the $25 is just credited to your total. Win-win. 

If you're thinking about signing up, please use my referral link. Trust me, this is the best clothing service out there. 

Trunk Club Referral Link:  


A Few of my Favorite Philosophy Beauty Things


My friends... You all know how much I love Philosophy beauty products. It's an obsession I've had since Oprah first mentioned them on her favorite things list YEARS and YEARS ago. Anytime I try something new I tell all my friends when they need to try it too. Purity facial wash, renewed hope in a jar, the retinal cream, it's all amazing and if you came to my house and opened up my bathroom drawers and cabinets you'd see them full of Philosphy products. 

Of course there are other products from other brands in my bathroom, that's life, but the majority of my beauty products are Philosophy... because I truly LOVE them.

Before you're thinking, "Oh great, another sponsored blog post from a blogger." This is NOT sponosred. All opinions are mine. Philosphy doesn't even know I'm writing this post. I annouced last year that I am a Philosophy #BeautyBeliever and I still am, however, that's not paid. That's just me loving their stuff and writing reviews of new and fun products. (BTW, check out my #BeautyBeliever reviews on Facebook: CLICK HERE)

The holidays are upon us and I know a lot of people who have started holiday shopping. It's time to think about one of these Philosophy Holiday Gift Sets for your mom/sister/aunt/cousin/girlfiend/favorite person/daughter/neice or YOU.

Let's go through my favorites... 

Loveswept Holiday Collection

You guys. There's no better way to describe how Loveswept smells but with one word. Sexy. When I worked at Dillard's in college I worked in the fragrance department and layering your scent is a real thing. You will want to layer yourself in Loveswept because it's delicious. 

This perfume is sexy. It's romantic. It's my new favorite. This giftset on is $57 for the holidays and it's worth every penny. 

Perfect gift for anyone who loves perfume. 

Fresh Cream Gift Set

OK - This gift is perfect for two reasons. It's a great gift at $32 and it has SO MANY GOOD SMELLING THINGS. This is the perfect gift for anyone who loves shower beauty products. Between the scrub to the body wash, it's an amazing start to your morning. Once you apply the cream you're set for a day of soft skin. 

Renewed Hope for the Holidays

If you don't get this set for anyone than yourself then you're doing the holidays wrong. I use renewed hope in a jar every. single. day. I also use renewed hope in a jar night every. single. night. You cannot go wrong with this giftset or the price. 

Honestly, it's probably better to just buy two of these because the value is amazing. 

If you know you have someone in your life who loves beauty but like things on the simpler side, then try giving them these products. 
1. Amazing Grace body lotion
2. Purity Facial wash 

If you give your family/friends/special people either one of these products you will become their favorite person in the world. 

Why am I sharing my love letter about Philosophy? Because I truly believe in this company and its products. As always, you can find these giftsets at Sephora, Ulta, Nordstrom, etc, but honestly I like shopping directly from because if you signup for their emails they always send you a promo code or specials. I mean, if you can order something and get something else for free, why not? 


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