Here are just a few highlights of my favorite parts...

In January we went to New Orleans for a few days and had a GREAT time. It's one of my favorite trips that we've been on. I'm actually really ready to go back soon!
You can check out our trip and all the DELICIOUS FOOD details here.
I thoroughly enjoyed a simple dinner of cocoa puffs. It's really the simplest things in life that I really appreciate the most.
In March I was able to mark something off my bucket list of legends... Billy Joel! It was an incredible show and we had great tickets. It was perfect!
In April we went to the Arkansas Derby and it was a blast. It was cold, and I wore the wrong dress to be warm, but it was worth it because I WON THE DERBY RACE! Read about it here.
In May we had an impromptu date night that started out with wine on a patio on a gorgeous May night. Again, sometimes it's the smallest things that can lead to the best memories.
I also turned 30 on the beach in St. Martin! It could't have been a more gorgeous day!
In July I got to see one of my FAVORITE bands again... Alabama Shakes! It was an incredible show.

In August I got to see another legend that I have been obsessed with... DOLLY PARTON. It was really the year of music for me and seeing some incredible singers and performers.
I mean. She wears a dress full of sequins. Goals.
August and September were a bit stressful after bidding on houses, losing them, and the emotions that I felt with the ups and downs. I went to happy hour one afternoon and the bartender felt for my sorrows and gave me the HAPPIEST glass (the one on the right!!).
Just a few days later I got the house I wanted back!!

In October I bought my very first house! Of course, it was dramatic ... because I'm either simple or dramatic about things. There's not really a middle ground with me. And yes, there have been some dramatic issues since moving into the house ... the AC going out the weekend we moved in. The water heater going out RIGHT when it was freezing outside. But overall it's been great to live here!
You can read about the related house drama here.
November was the month of settling into the new house, and hosting Thanksgiving with my family. It was probably one of my most favorite Thanksgivings.
December was a fun and busy month! With decorating for Christmas in the new house, hanging with friends, being incredibly stressed at work, it was nice to have a fun and easy Christmas with my family and with Rich's family.
Cheers to 2016! You were exactly what I made it - easy, fun, difficult, dramatic, and memorable!
Looking forward to 2017!