Let a New Chapter Begin...

Let a New Chapter Begin...

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“…I’m not afraid of dying. I’m afraid of not trying…” – Jay Z

1. I am too old to be running around a college campus.
     Yesterday during my lunch break I went to get a parking pass thingy for my graduate classes starting Thursday. Little did I know that one errand turned into an hour long hunt of also having to get a student i.d. As I'm walking around the campus I realize that I am by far the oldest kid there...

I bought the Zebra...seemed like the right, responsible thing to do.

2. Apparently drinking an obscene amount of water gives me an obscene amount of energy.
     After leaving work yesterday, I went to get my oil changed, shopped at Wal-Mart, went to Kroger's, headed home, unloaded the groceries, took my dog for a walk, cleaned the kitchen, did laundry, cleaned the floors, folded and put away clothes, and picked up around the place. And I wasn't tired after...that's what drinking about 10 bottles of water will do to you I guess. 

Looks like a great time, huh?

3. Buying college text books is still expensive. 
     Nothing has changed in the past four years. College textbooks are still out of this world expensive. Thank goodness for Amazon and Half.com. My two books, which would have cost $300 in the store bookstore, only cost $130 online. Win for me. 

4. Carrot cake is wonderful. 
     Yesterday, Valerie brought Allison and I some carrot cake to work. It was delicious, homemade and  was the perfect afternoon snack. Thankfully, Allison and I shared it. I'm working on getting the recipe from Valerie...

5. The scale is a big, fat liar
     After jumping on my scale yesterday morning and probably breaking it (I haven't looked since yesterday), I decided last night it would be a good idea to buy a new scale last night. This morning I was four pounds lighter than yesterday. Adios old scale!

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