Personalized Gift Cards for Persnickety People

Personalized Gift Cards for Persnickety People


'Tis the holiday season as we all are aware and every time I turn around I see another holiday gift list. I have a love/hate relationship with them. If I had to guess, no one really wants another coffee mug... So I started to think of what I would want if I was going to give me a present, and because sometimes I am a bit ... persnickety, my mind immediately went to gift cards, but more personalized. 

So this is my list of personalized gift cards to get for persnickety people. 

The Book Reader

It's always a goal of mine to read a book a month. Seems easy enough... sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail. A few months ago I signed up for Book of the Month club. Each month they email you with five new selections of books, you pick one of the five, and they ship it to you! 

Now, the best part is that it's a great gift! You can give a 3-month subscription for $44.97 which is a good deal, but if you use this link you can save 30% off a 3-month subscription and get a free tote. 

That's $30, for three months and a free tote! Great gift for that book lover in your life.  

The Busy Fashion Lover 

For the person in your life who loves fashion and shopping, but is always complaining about never having anything to wear, get them a personal stylist. A personal stylist with Trunk Club. I share my love for Trunk Club a lot because it's so great for someone who loves clothes but just doesn't have the time to shop or doesn't know how to get out of their own clothing rut. 

The best part is is that you can give any amount you want! Go check it out here

The Makeup Lover

If you're a makeup lover and have had your makeup professionally done, then you know there is nothing else like it. As someone who loves makeup, I LOVE learning new tricks and techniques. My suggestions for this is giving a makeup lover in your life a gift card to Sephora for $50. This way, they can get a makeover and be able to pay for the $50 required product. 

Seriously. I love my own idea right now. 

The Workout Girl 


Working out is like therapy for me. I can take a step back from the world, clear my head and feel centered when it's over. My workouts usually consist of HIIT training and cardio, but I LOVE workout classes. So if someone in your life loves working out, think about getting them a gift card to a new class like PurreBarre, or a spinning class. Oh! A pilates class is one of my favorites! If they are already a member of a gym then consider a few personal training classes where they can work on their form. Every year I do a few personal training sessions just to switch it up. 

The Travel Enthusiast 

If you have a travel lover in your life 🙋🏼 think about a giving miles through your travel lovers favorite airline. This ensures that they will do something for themselves and plan a trip. 


The TV Lover

I will always watch Dolly if she's on tv. 
If you have a tv/movie lover in your life then I have a few ideas... 
1. A Gift card to Netflix. (YES THIS IS A THING) 
2. iTunes Giftcard (BC hello movies) 
3. Move theater tickets 

Those are all good ideas for the person in your life who enjoys a little downtime watching shows or movies. (Also, easy.) 

That is my list. You have a little bit for everyone. A gift card doesn't have to be boring, or lame, it can be personalized and with meaning. So think about the person in your life who doesn't 'need' anything else but you still want to get them something personalized that they will love. 

I'll take one of each, please. 

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  1. These are all awesome ideas! I personally would love the travel idea. I love to travel. <3

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love iTunes gift cards! I love getting exacttly what I want.

    Alix |

  4. ooh miles is such a good idea, would never have thought about that! x

  5. Wow this is full of great ideas! I'm loving book of the month club so far. Definitely going to use some of these ideas :)

  6. Haha my family gave me a year of netflix one year and it was the best gift evaaa

    Rachel | The Confused Millennial

  7. I love getting gift cards to the movies it is the best!!!

  8. Great ideas! The fashion and makeup would be my favs ��

  9. A gift card to Netflix is such a unique gift idea! I already have Netflix but if anyone wants to buy me Hulu this year ;-)

    xoxo A

  10. What amazing gift ideas! A gift card to Netflix is really smart. I never thought of that!

  11. Great gift guide!! I'm a beauty (and recently fitness) lover and I'd love to get these!

  12. I love these creative gift ideas! I always have trouble thinking of what I want for Christmas but this list sparked my imagination!

  13. Great ideas! I could honestly use more gift cards in my life because I have so many things I'd like that are hard to explain to my friends + family haha


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