I Went to a Witch Doctor...

I Went to a Witch Doctor...

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Well...not 'technically' a witch doctor. More like a medical clairvoyant? Or, maybe a psychic healer?

Back story...

So for a couple of weeks I didn't feel like myself. Something felt off. Fatigue, dizziness, headaches, unable to focus, basically unable to get stuff done. There was something wrong. It wasn't just stress of working, school and life, it was something else. So, like a responsible adult I went to the doctor. I told the doctor what was going on, he asked a couple of questions, I answered, he decided that blood work would have to be done.

Blood work came back. Lucky me has a little high cholesterol for someone my age and extremely low in Vitamin D. What does that mean? Well...I can lay off the bad foods and pop a extra vitamin everyday.

On to the witch doctor...

Even after getting this 'answer' I still felt like something was wrong. So, like a rational adult, I decided to go see the witch doctor. He's actually the opposite of a witch doctor. He's religious and even talks about God in his diagnosis. That's okay with me. I believe in God and I believe that everyone needs to believe in something.

After waiting about 20 minutes after other people, it was my turn. He asked me what was going on. I gave him the list of: tiredness, unable to focus, headaches and so forth. He sits right across from you. He doesn't have a stethoscope. No x-rays. Just sits across from you. Listens. Asks a couple of questions. And then gives you a diagnosis.

What's wrong with me? Well, apparently I need to lay off the heavy acid foods and I have extremely low potassium. So, he suggest that I drink Aloe Vera juice for the next 90 days and take daily potassium pills for the next 30 days.

And I'm doing it.

I'm also doing what the medical doctor said.

It's been almost a week and I feel so much better. So, is it that I'm laying off the bad and acid foods? Maybe. Is it the vitamin d? Maybe. Is it the potassium? Maybe. Or the aloe juice? Maybe.

I'm not sure. Maybe it's the fact that I took the weekend off, spent time with  my family and never logged on to email, facebook, twitter or computer for that matter. Maybe I'm learning how to handle the stress of work and school better. Whatever it is, it's working.

Will I go back to the witch doctor? Absolutely.

It's a great story. And it's a gorgeous drive.
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