Tilapia and Veggie Foil Pack

Tilapia and Veggie Foil Pack

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Have you seen the show Chopped on the Food Network? They receive a basket of random objects and have to create a dish using those ingredients. That's what it's like cooking in my kitchen lately. My grocery shopping visits are random and unplanned right now because I can't seem to plan a meal if my life depended on it. Last week I bought a squash and zucchini and this week I bought a tomato and onion. What was I going to do with these vegetables? I have no idea. So tonight, I opened the fridge, freezer and pantry to see if I could make something that would be quick and simple. 

And that's just what I did. I know these ingredients are simple and easy to use while cooking, but this is what I did with them: 

I chopped up the entire squash and half of the zucchini. 
Just a forth of the onion and half of the tomato. 

Since this was going to be my entire supper I needed a lot of veggies.

After I chopped the veggies, I placed a piece of foil on a baking sheet. 
(Easier clean-up)

Added a little olive oil and salt and pepper. 

After I unfroze the tilapia (with warm water)

I sprinkled Mrs. Dash's seasoning on both sides of the fish.

I placed the piece of tilapia on top of the veggies.

Add three tomatoes.

Then wrapped it up! 

The foil pack was baked at 400 degree for about 18 minutes.

It's like summertime in a bowl! 

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